Mayrit. Agua, piedra, fuego y carne
Ezequiel Nobili
27 and 28 October. From 20 to 01 h.
29 October. From 20 to 00 h.
Arab Wall
Cuesta de la Vega.
Nearby activities
La accesibilidad física del recorrido estará ligada a la accesibilidad del parque público.
Por causas ajenas a la organización y debido a la gran afluencia de público en algunos momentos del espectáculo, las condiciones de accesibilidad física previstas pueden verse modificadas.
La instalación contiene luces intermitentes que pueden causar dificultades a personas fotosensibles.
Información de los espectáculos accesibles del 28 y 29 aquí

” Over water was I built; my walls are made of fire”
Here more information about the Arab Wall and Mayrit.
The aim of this site-specific work – Mayrit. Agua, piedra, fuego y carne ( Mayrit. Water, Stone, Fire and Flesh )– is to enhance and convey the significance of the archaeological remains of the first wall of Madrid. It can be enjoyed by people with special visual or hearing needs.
Employing a system of microphones and closed-circuit cameras, the image of the visitors will be projected onto the wall and that of the stone on them, creating a light that sustains itself plastically and reciprocally.
A network of sound, olfactory, tactile and visual vibrations is transmitted through the space, blurring the boundaries between the real and the apparent, the ephemeral and the eternal.
Work created especially for LuzMadrid 2023
The Italian-Argentinean artist Ezequiel Nobili is an outstanding lighting designer who graduated in Image and Sound Design in Buenos Aires.
With a background in the performing and audiovisual arts, he has designed numerous lighting, video and stage projects.
He is also a lecturer at several institutions, including the master’s degree in “Ephemeral Architecture” at the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Madrid, where he lectures on light and the emotional response of colours.
Artistic Direction: Ezequiel Nobili
Multimedia coordination: RGB Corp
Sound coordination Francisco Mejía
Technical partner: Infinity Visual SL
All credits here
Special thanks:
FUNCI Fundación de Cultura Islámica, Embajada de la República Argentina ante el Reino de España, Pedro Vera Candeas – Universidad de Jaén, Madrid Accesibilidad, Vanessa San José Gómez, Seesoun, Prolights, Eclipse Audiovisuales, EQC.
The Arab wall is the oldest architectural remnant in Madrid. The city was founded and fortified in the last years of the reign of Muhammad I (852-886). This first enclosure included the so-called Palace Hill, where the castle and the medina with its walls were located, and three gates: the Puerta de la Vega, the Puerta de Santa María y San Miguel, and the Puerta de la Sagra. The wall was restored and reformed during the reign of ’Abd al-Rahman III (912-961). Today, the foundations and a section of the wall remain in the Cuesta de la Vega and in the Emir Mohamed I Park.