Past editions/2021/Our Sea
Our Sea
Maurici Ginés - artec3 Studio
29, 30 and 31 October
From 8pm to midnight
Conde Duque
South Patio

By capturing the reflections of the sun onto the sea, in a portable explosion of light, this piece evokes the feeling of having this light within our grasp. We are able to interact with it and recharge our energy thanks to its synchronised dance of light, colour and sound. Our Sea uses dynamic lighting and warm tones with familiar sounds in an installation that seeks to instil in the audience the emotions associated with being close to the sea. An immersive, elegant and vital experience where interaction between object, space and spectator are essential.
Through the medium of light, Maurici Ginés explores the synergy between design, art and people. His interactive sensorial experiences are pieces of art with luminous identities. The South Patio at the Conde Duque Cultural Centre will be filled with light and sound as Our Sea transports our senses to the coast, filling us with vital energy.
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Conde Duque Cultural Centre: the former Conde Duque Barracks, a prominent building in the 18th century and designed by architect Pedro de Ribera, is today a vast cultural space with a surface area of over 58,000 metres squared. The space’s main focus is on conserving, promoting and providing a space for memory, culture and the very diverse artistic installations that Madrid is home to.