Alex Posada y Xevi Bayona
27, 28 and 29 October
From 20 to 00h
Parque de El Retiro. Recommended entrance: Puerta del Ángel Caído, Last entry at 11pm
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La accesibilidad física del recorrido estará ligada a la accesibilidad del parque público.
Por causas ajenas a la organización y debido a la gran afluencia de público en algunos momentos del espectáculo, las condiciones de accesibilidad física previstas pueden verse modificadas.

AURA, by Xevi Bayona and Alex Posada, is an immersive experience consisting of 16 rings of light installed in trees that illuminate the surrounding area and cast shadows that evolve slowly over time. Aura means the light or immaterial luminous radiance that envelops certain objects. In the installation, designed for the Los Planteles Garden in El Retiro Park, the light vibrates and moves to the beat of the sound, creating dreamlike atmospheres that contrast with the natural landscape of the forest.
ALEX POSADA is a teacher and researcher in the fields of interactivity and digital art. As a multidisciplinary artist, he works at the intersection of art, science and technology through research and the constant development of his own systems and tools.
XEVI BAYONA is a lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Girona and on the master’s degree in Ephemeral Architecture at Elisava. The winner of three architecture and ephemeral architecture awards, he has carried out civil works such as the restoration of the Tortosa State Bridge over the Ebro and the refurbishment of the Sant Jaume de Llierca sports complex and the Olot Trade Fair.
Concept: Alex Posada, Xevi Bayona
Engineering and software: Alex Posada
Architectural design: Xevi Bayona
Sound creation: Alex Posada
Visual creation: Alex Posada, Gabriel Casanova
Production and assembly: MID Studio, Bayona Studio
The Los Planteles Garden is the lushest of all the gardens in El Retiro Park and is a shady, cool space in which to enjoy a stroll or just to rest a while. Located next to the Campo Grande Gardens, it was created during the reign of Isabel II to provide shelter from the scorching summer heat.