Past editions/2021/Arboré`lum
Erik Barray Workshop
29, 30 and 31 October
From 8pm to midnight
Paseo del Prado
Fountain of Apollo

Trees of light that reveal their very essence as living forms, as well as the natural environment around them. Arboré`lum is a new way of delving into the often overlooked beauty and vitality of the plant world. Occupying and transforming space, this project welcomes visitors and reveals to them the sap that, in the form of light, travels up the stems and branches of the protagonists of this piece. Accompanied by a soundtrack brimming with the sounds of wind, birds, and crickets.
Erik Barray is an urban basket weaver whose desire is to weave a link between man and nature. He aims to do so through his profession of basket making and his artistic projects that are intricately woven into the city, with the help of his willow rods, pruning knife, a pair of scissors and, on this occasion, light.
Apollo Fountain: the Apollo Fountain can be found in the centre of the so-called Salón del Prado, as part of the urban renovation commissioned by Charles III of Spain in the 18th century. The fountain, together with that of Cibeles and Neptune, forms part of the group of sculptures by Ventura Rodríguez for the Paseo. These three fountains are considered masterpieces of Spanish neoclassical architecture.