Colectivo 3Dinteractivo
27, 28 and 29 October
From 20 to 01 h.
Espacio Taller. Matadero Madrid
Nearby activities
Por causas ajenas a la organización y debido a la gran afluencia de público en algunos momentos del espectáculo, las condiciones de accesibilidad física previstas pueden verse modificadas.

PAISAJES OBSERVABLES (observable landscapes) explores the production of alternative forms of visuality and meaning in images. The landscapes captured in the province of Palencia by Ana Marcos and Alfonso Villanueva, artists from the 3dinteractivo studio, show us what is known as Empty Spain: anonymous and depopulated landscapes transformed into a digital canvas on which to work and recode a collective portrait of the inhabitants of the province and those taking part in the Matadero Workshop. Images fragmented by a software program + Artificial Intelligence that invites us to experiment in a different way with a region that is far removed from the tourist circuits.
Ana Marcos and Alfonso Villanueva are the co-directors of the 3Dinteractivo studio. The collective was formed in 2010 to place experimentation with new technologies at the heart of artistic offerings. Their projects have been shown in museums all over the world.
Colectivo 3Dinteractivo : Ana Marcos-Alfonso Villanueva
Located above the Coordination Offices at one end of the old Mondonguerías warehouse, the Matadero Workshop is a 150 m2 multi-purpose space. Designed as a place for one-off interventions, it is ideal for activities such as workshops, presentations, recordings, rehearsals and meetings. As well as being a meeting place, it is primarily used to host creative workshops in different artistic disciplines.