Studio Eyesberg
28 and 29 October
From 21 to 01h.
Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación
Nearby activities
Physical accessibility will be linked to the accessibility of public roads. For reasons beyond the control of the organization and due to the large influx of public at some moments of the show, the planned physical accessibility conditions may be modified.

AMADEUS is an interactive experience in which a visual story is projected onto the façade of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. By stepping on the keys of a piano projected on the ground, the public is able to activate real-time changes in the story’s music, video and effects. Through play, Amadeus takes us on a fantastic seven-act journey that tells the story of the origin of the world and mankind’s exploration of the universe. As the name suggests, Mozart provides the inspiration for this multimedia show.
JOSÉ VAALIÑA is a Barcelona-based artist and director of Eyesberg, a multimedia art studio specialising in transforming environments into interactive and immersive works of art such as large-format projections, interactive installations, light installations, fulldome films and immersive operas. In recent years he has collaborated with La Fura dels Baus on several occasions and his work has been shown at internationally renowned festivals.
Created by Eyesberg
Director: José Vaaliña
Screenplay: Martina Ampuero and José Vaaliña
Video coordination: Martina Ampuero
CG Artists: Martina Ampuero, David Ros, Pol Marquès, Elena Sanahujes
Music: Pol Marquès
Programming: Antonio Vera
Production and administration: Inés Fratini
For many people who have just arrived in Madrid, the imposing building just across the street from Atocha station, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, is their first glimpse of the city. Built in 1893 to house the Ministry of Development and designed by the architect Ricardo Velázquez Bosco, whose centenary is being celebrated this year, it is a rectangular Renaissance-style building with two interior courtyards of equal proportions with an iron and glass roof and a central marble staircase. Of particular interest is the central body of the façade, consisting of a portico that serves as the base for four pairs of huge Corinthian columns that support an enormous attic. The façade is crowned by an ensemble of bronze sculptures by Agustín Querol, whose theme is Glory, a winged Victory next to the allegories of Art and Science.