Niko Tiainen
27, 28 and 29 October
From 20 to 00h.
Estanque del Palacio de Cristal
Parque de El Retiro. Recommended entrance: : Puerta del Ángel Caído, Last entry at 11pm
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La accesibilidad física del recorrido estará ligada a la accesibilidad del parque público.
Por causas ajenas a la organización y debido a la gran afluencia de público en algunos momentos del espectáculo, las condiciones de accesibilidad física previstas pueden verse modificadas.

TRANSLUCENS is a holographic projection on a curtain of water accompanied by a stereo sound design. It is the work of the Finnish artist Niko Tiainen, who takes the word that gives the project its title, translucens, the Latin word for translucent, as his starting point from which to create an offering that converses with the mathematical theory of structures that have light and concrete biological forms, combining different visuals to create a Kuleshov effect: the audience constructs the actual script in their minds. This technique creates a story that resembles the cinematic and colourful structures of REM dreams.
NIKO TIAINEN is a Finnish artist who specialises in outdoor mapping and video projections as well as light and sound installations. He is trained in classical music, composition and design. His installations are based on conceptual ideas and abstract material processes that combine the structure and techniques of classical music.
Artistic concept and production: Niko Tiainen (
Visual design: Niko Tiainen (
Sound design: Niko Tiainen (
Technical supervisor: Mikko Kiviharju (mixa.f)
The pond of the Glass Palace in the El Retiro Park came into being as a result of the Philippines Exhibition of 1887, which was held in the grounds of the so-called Campo Grande, and to complement the enormous furnace or Glass Palace, with which it blends in terms of both its shape and its surrounding landscape. On the south side of this extremely valuable urban aquatic ecosystem is the rocky grotto, and the entire complex is the work of the architect Ricardo Velázquez Bosco, whose centenary is being celebrated this year.